Monday, April 4, 2016

Tips for Effective Public Speaking

Barrett Wragg, a vice president at T. Rowe Price in Baltimore, Maryland, speaks to audiences of all ages about doing well in school, preparing for a career and the foundations of financial planning. Learning to communicate his messages effectively has helped Barrett Wragg to connect with high school and college students as well as adults.

When preparing to give a speech, it is helpful to remember the following:
1. Be Prepared- Your audience members have chosen to give you their time and attention. They are waiting to learn from you and are expecting to hear a well-organized presentation. Preparation involves thorough research while writing your speech as well as sufficient time practicing your speech.
2. Open Well- Start your speech with a strong introduction. You can incorporate an interesting or funny anecdote, facts, or statistics, or even an appropriate joke.
3. Speak Naturally- When you are tense, your audience is more likely to be tense. By slowing down and engaging with your audience whenever possible, your manner with be more conversational and better received. Avoid reading your speech verbatim for a more natural tone.
4. Grade Yourself- If possible, record your presentation. Later, you can listen or watch your speech and observe potential areas of improvement. Be mindful of your delivery speed, your verbal stalls and body language.

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